Inside Rafter

What is Rafter?

April 23, 2020

Great question! I’ll answer in a few different ways.

🔥 The TL;DR Description

Rafter is a serverless deployment platform powered by Google Cloud Run. It supports popular full-stack frameworks like Laravel, Rails, WordPress and more.

The serverless part means you don’t have to worry about servers. It’s container-based, but you don’t even need to worry about Docker! Rafter acts as an abstraction layer over those details.

For developers, this means:

  • Connect an existing GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket repository and deploy instantly.
  • Or type rafter deploy to push a project from the command line.
  • Your project scales to 0, meaning you’re not paying for resources not being used.
  • You own the entire stack: it lives in your Google Cloud account, so you can walk away from Rafter whenever you want.
  • You can focus on building your product instead of your infrastructure.

👨‍💻 The Technical Description

Rafter projects are created with several entrypoints in mind:

  • Source control providers (GitHub, Gitlab, etc)
  • Command line pushes (manually typing rafter deploy)

When a new input is received, Rafter kicks off a chain of jobs to:

  1. Create a Docker image using Google Cloud Build. Rafter uses the type of your project (Rails, Laravel, Node) to provide a basic Dockerfile to use (php for Laravel, ruby for Rails), meaning you don’t have to provide your own.
  2. Deploy to Google Cloud Run. Rafter uses the image to create new web and worker services in Cloud Run.
  3. Inject Environment Variables. Using a handy Secrets and Variables Management UI, Rafter injects the required environment variables into your application.
  4. Provision and Manage a Database. If requested, Rafter creates a Cloud SQL database, connects it to your Cloud Run services, and injects the correct variables.
  5. Manage Queues: Rafter creates a new queue in Cloud Tasks for your service, and provides first-class integrations into your framework to integrate queue workers in a serverless environment.
  6. Schedule Cloud Jobs: Rafter uses Cloud Scheduler to ping your service using first-class framework integrations to run scheduled jobs.
  7. Run Commands: Using PubSub, Rafter integrates with your framework to run CLI commands (think: rails or artisan).
  8. Provide Logs: Rafter provides a UI to inspect the logs from your application as well as other metrics.

Other Descriptions

  • Rafter is like Heroku, except you own the stack. Heroku uses AWS behind the scenes, but you pay for their services at a markup from AWS base costs. With Rafter, you pay Google Cloud for whatever costs you incur.
  • Rafter is like Laravel Vapor, but for Google Cloud — and it supports multiple frameworks and languages instead of just PHP and Laravel.
  • Rafter is a wrapper around Google Cloud Run. You can totally do everything Rafter does manually, except you need to know Docker, Cloud Run APIs, configuration management, and more.
  • Rafter is like Google App Engine, only it supports additional runtimes (anything that will fit in a Docker container).
  • Rafter is Kuberetes, only several abstractions removed (Rafter » Cloud Run » Knative » Kubernetes).

I’m hoping to put together an even consider definition in the future. Stay tuned!

A blog about building Rafter, a serverless deployment platform. Posts by Josh Larson. Follow Josh on Twitter for updates.

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